剑桥 少儿 英语 -课程简介
极易调动孩子的 学习 兴趣和积极性。
视听结合:形象活泼的动画、标准地道的语音、朗朗上口的儿歌、配以动听的 音乐 ,让孩子在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握最基本的交际用语。
系统指导:针对幼少儿 学习 内容的每一单元提供了清晰的辅导步骤、教学内容、教学目标、对话练习、英语游戏、学习评估,便于家长辅导、督促孩子学习英语。
幼少儿阶段是学习语言的最佳时间, 这个 阶段孩子对语言的学习模仿能力是最强的。通过全外教课堂更能增加孩子对 英文 的新鲜感和学习兴趣。
英文童话故事的主角的 演讲 ,使孩子充满 自 信的说英语,教材中美妙的英文描述和有寓意的英文故事让孩子学习的同时领略用英文讲故事的乐趣,加强用英文思考的能力。 -
英文教学让孩子有更多的机会接触英文,提高实际应用能力,英文课堂中外教与 学生 间的互动让您的孩子充分体验英语实际运用的乐趣。
适合人群 | 从事相关商务工作,商业跨境,提升 商务英语 ,希望职场升职加薪、对商务英语感兴趣的人士。 |
上课人数 | 小班/一对一 |
学习目标 | 提升商务英语表达能力和 沟通 效率,成人商务精英人士 |
使用教材 |
培生教育出版集团经典教材:《Market Leader》
√ 真实的场景模拟,任务式角色扮演,体验式引导学习。
√ 融入切身经历与观点,了解并体验最真实的国际商务世界。
The Immersion Experience“浸泡式”英语学习法,简称TIE。
通过 自 然状态下的沟通和互动来建立英语思维,培养英语习惯,
从而让英语自然内化为自身技能,使英语如母语般自然 流利 。
Nationality: USA Certificate: TESOL TEFL Arthur is an English teacher at Victor International English. He is from the USA. His home town is Salt Lake City, Utah. Arthur has been teaching English for many years in Asia, including Hong Kong and Korea. He wants to help everyone improve their English, and especially spoken English.
Motto:Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.There is but one secret to success—never give up.
Nationality: USA Certificate: TESOL TEFL Arthur is an English teacher at Victor International English. He is from the USA. His home town is Salt Lake City, Utah. Arthur has been teaching English for many years in Asia, including Hong Kong and Korea. He wants to help everyone improve their English, and especially spoken English.
Motto:Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.There is but one secret to success—never give up.
Nationality: USA Certificate: TESOL TEFL My name is Carissa Oriendo. I love to go to places where I can find and do extreme sports. I'm the kind of person who always want to accomplished things in whatever field it is that I am entering. Making the situation complicated is what I hate the most, I want everything to go smooth and simple as much as possible.
Motto: Personal excellence is perh ap s the most important assets that you can acquire.
Nationality: USA Certificate: TESOL TEFL My name is Carissa Oriendo. I love to go to places where I can find and do extreme sports. I'm the kind of person who always want to accomplished things in whatever field it is that I am entering. Making the situation complicated is what I hate the most, I want everything to go smooth and simple as much as possible.
Motto: Personal excellence is perh ap s the most important assets that you can acquire.
标签: 深圳英语专业培训