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北大缓考表在哪里 大学英语四级语法指导

今天天天高考网小编整理了北大缓考表在哪里 大学英语四级语法指导相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

今天天天高考网小编整理了北大缓考表在哪里 大学英语四级语法指导,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。



篇一: 大学英语四级语法指导


1. so放在句首时表示承前肯定,这个句子用部分倒装;

nor, neither放在句首时表示承前否定,句子也用部分倒装;

2. 省略了引导词if 的虚拟条件从句,可以把从句中的had, should, could, were中的任何一个提到从句最前面的位置,构成部分倒装;

3. as, though表示“尽管”时引导从句,从句中的表语可以置于引导词之前构成部分倒装;


例如:She is beautiful. They are students.


例、 _B_ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

A Being published B Published C Publishing D To be published


being published 正在被出版; to be published 将要被出版。

磨毕野此句恢复正常语序应为: As it was published at such a time …

4. 表示否定含义的单词或短语放在句首,句子用部分倒装;

常见的一些表示否定含义的单词:never, little, few, hardly (… when), scarcely (… when) ;

seldom 难得,不常;nowhere 哪里都不。

常见的一些表示否定含义的短语:in no way 决不; on no account 决不;

under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不。

5. only + 状语放在句首,句瞎喊子用部分倒装;(如果only去掉就是全部倒装)

例、Only under special circumstances _C_ to take make-up tests.

A permitted are freshmen B freshmen are permitted

C are freshmen permitted D are permitted freshmen

freshmen 新生; make up for 弥补,补偿; make-up tests 补考(缓考)。

6. 注意两个表达形式:come what may 无论发生什么情况; say what you will 畅所欲言。


1. The children went there to watch the iron tower _D_.

A to erect B be erected C erecting D being erected

watch 看电视用,看比赛用; see 看电影用;

感官动词watch, see, hear; 感官动词 + 名词(代词)+ do

be erected 强调的是动作的结果; being erected 强调的是动作的过程。

2. The engine _D_ smoke and steam.

A gives up B gives in C gives away D gives off

give up 放弃; give in 屈服,让步; give off 释放,放出(烟和气体);

give away 泄露,走漏风声;婚礼中新郎的父亲把新娘的手交给新郎的过程;赠送礼品。

3. The manager promised to keep me _C_ of how our business was going on.

A to be informed B on informing C informed D informing

keep sb. + 分词; inform v. 通知,告知; inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某件事情

keep me informed 使我被告知。

4. The goals _B_ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

A after which B for which C with which D at which

fight with sb. (注意要看整个句子); fight with + 工具 用该工具来打仗。 fight for 为…而战。

I fight with him. 我和他打起来了。 I fight with him against her. 我和他并肩对付她。

5. They _C_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A carried out B carried off C carried on D carried forward

in spite of 尽管; carry on 坚持,继续。

6. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _B_ in a quiet neighborhood.

A all in all B above all C after all D over all

all in all 总而言之;above all 首先,尤其是;after all 毕竟,终究;overall 全面的,总体的

in a word 总之,in short 简而言之,in conclusion 最后,总之,to sum up总之,总而言之。

7. _B_ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.

A For now B Now that C Ever since D By now

now that 既然,由于(相当于since); ever since 自从…以来。


now that 既然,由于; in that 因为; except that 除…之外。

except后面加名词或代词;except that后面加句子。

8. What you have done is _D_ the doctor’s orders.

A attached to B responsible to C resistant to D contrary to

be attached to 连接,附属; This school is attached to Beida. 这所学校附属于北大。

responsible to 对…负有责任; resistant adj. 反抗的,抵抗的; water resistant 防水的。

be contrary to 与。。相反(相违背)。

9. John regretted _A_ to the meeting last week.

A not going B not to go C not having been going D not to be going

regret doing 后悔做过某事; regret to do sth. 遗憾的做某事(应用语境非常有限)。

10. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _B_.

A out of work B out of stock C out of reach D out of practice

out of work 失业; out of reach 够不着 within reach 够得着; out of practice 缺乏练习。



动作发出者 + 动名词;当动作发出者名字给出时:名词所有格 + 动名词;当动名词的复合结构在文章中出现,且动作发出者在前文中提过时:形容词物主代词(宾格)+ 动名词。

形容词物主代词:his, her, my, your, their, our。代词宾格:him, her, me, you, us, them。

第二点:want 想要; want to do sth. 想做某事; want doing 客观需要或缺乏。

例. Your hair wants _B_. You’d better have it done tomorrow.

A cut B cutting C to cut D being cut

注意:want doing 中doing表示的是被动含义。

例. This room is so dirty that it wants _A_.

A cleaning B to clean C being cleaned D cleaned

第三点:mean 意味; mean to do sth. 打算做某事,意欲… ;mean doing 意味着,…的意思是…

例. There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _B_ trouble. [reception desk 接待台]

A making B to make C to have made D having made

1. The children went there to watch the iron tower _D_.

A to erect B be erected C erecting D being erected

watch 看电视用,看比赛用; see 看电影用;

感官动词watch, see, hear; 感官动词 + 名词(代词)+ do

be erected 强调的是动作的结果; being erected 强调的是动作的'过程。

2. The engine _D_ smoke and steam.

A gives up B gives in C gives away D gives off

give up 放弃; give in 屈服,让步; give off 释放,放出(烟和气体);

give away 泄露,走漏风声;婚礼中新郎的父亲把新娘的手交给新郎的过程;赠送礼品。

3. The manager promised to keep me _C_ of how our business was going on.

A to be informed B on informing C informed D informing

keep sb. + 分词; inform v. 通知,告知; inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某件事情

keep me informed 使我被告知。

4. The goals _B_ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

A after which B for which C with which D at which

fight with sb. (注意要看整个句子); fight with + 工具 用该工具来打仗。 fight for 为…而战。

I fight with him. 我和他打起来了。 I fight with him against her. 我和他并肩对付她。

5. They _C_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A carried out B carried off C carried on D carried forward

in spite of 尽管; carry on 坚持,继续。





1.No matter how frequently _A_, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.

A performed B performing C to be performed D being performed

perform vt. 表演,演出,演奏;

to be performed 将要被演奏; being performed 正在被演奏;


第一点:forget 忘记; [反义] remember 记得;



forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事; forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事;

remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事; remember doing sth. 记得做过某事;

2. I remember _B_ to help us if we ever got into trouble.

A once offering B him once offering C him to offer D to offer him

offer vt. 提出,提供; offer sb. sth. / offer to do sth.

him once offering 如果改成 his once offering 也正确。


动作发出者 + 动名词;当动作发出者名字给出时:名词所有格 + 动名词;当动名词的复合结构在文章中出现,且动作发出者在前文中提过时:形容词物主代词(宾格)+ 动名词。

形容词物主代词:his, her, my, your, their, our。代词宾格:him, her, me, you, us, them。

第二点:want 想要; want to do sth. 想做某事; want doing 客观需要或缺乏。

例. Your hair wants _B_. You’d better have it done tomorrow.

A cut B cutting C to cut D being cut

1. The children went there to watch the iron tower _D_.

A to erect B be erected C erecting D being erected

watch 看电视用,看比赛用; see 看电影用;

感官动词watch, see, hear; 感官动词 + 名词(代词)+ do

be erected 强调的是动作的结果; being erected 强调的是动作的过程。

2. The engine _D_ smoke and steam.

A gives up B gives in C gives away D gives off

give up 放弃; give in 屈服,让步; give off 释放,放出(烟和气体);

give away 泄露,走漏风声;婚礼中新郎的父亲把新娘的手交给新郎的过程;赠送礼品。

3. The manager promised to keep me _C_ of how our business was going on.

A to be informed B on informing C informed D informing

keep sb. + 分词; inform v. 通知,告知; inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某件事情

keep me informed 使我被告知。

4. The goals _B_ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

A after which B for which C with which D at which

fight with sb. (注意要看整个句子); fight with + 工具 用该工具来打仗。 fight for 为…而战。

I fight with him. 我和他打起来了。 I fight with him against her. 我和他并肩对付她。

5. They _C_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A carried out B carried off C carried on D carried forward

in spite of 尽管; carry on 坚持,继续。

注意:want doing 中doing表示的是被动含义。

例. This room is so dirty that it wants _A_.

A cleaning B to clean C being cleaned D cleaned

第三点:mean 意味; mean to do sth. 打算做某事,意欲… ;mean doing 意味着,…的意思是…

例. There’s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _B_ trouble. [reception desk 接待台]

A making B to make C to have made D having made




独立主格的结构1:名词(代词)+ 分词 [现在分词、过去分词]

现在分词表示主动的,正在进行的行为;过去分词表示被动的,已经完成的行为。 作题时要通过判断动作与名词(代词)之间的关系来确定是使用现在分词还是过去分词。当动作由名词(代词)发出时使用现在分词,而名词(代词)是受动者时则用过去分词。

1. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _B_ it closely.

A followed B following C to follow D being followed

2. All things _A_, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A considered B be considered C considering D having considered

call off 取消; cancel vt. 取消; 四级中的考点就是现在分词和过去分词的区别。

独立主格的结构2:with + 名词(代词)+ 分词 [句子当中作状语]

3. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _C_ to go to school.

A to be encouraged B been encouraged C being encouraged D be encouraged

as well as 和(相当于and); be encouraged不会考。

动词不定式有预示将来行为的含义。to be encouraged 将要被鼓励;

been encouraged 已经被鼓励完了,与主句的谓语动词相对;being encouraged 正在被鼓励




1.No matter how frequently _A_, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.

A performed B performing C to be performed D being performed

perform vt. 表演,演出,演奏;

to be performed 将要被演奏; being performed 正在被演奏;


第一点:forget 忘记; [反义] remember 记得;



forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事; forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事;

remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事; remember doing sth. 记得做过某事;

2. I remember _B_ to help us if we ever got into trouble.

A once offering B him once offering C him to offer D to offer him

offer vt. 提出,提供; offer sb. sth. / offer to do sth.

him once offering 如果改成 his once offering 也正确。


以上,就是天天高考网小编给大家带来的北大缓考表在哪里 大学英语四级语法指导全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

以上,就是天天高考网小编给大家带来的北大缓考表在哪里 大学英语四级语法指导全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!





